
Mom is a special person.


Mom is a special person.
Ever since she gives birth to us she has been busy taking care of us like the mother hen with her own chicks, protecting us from the world from under her wings and teaching us to know it until we get old enough to face it alone.
There are so many things she does for us: she cradles us to make us fall asleep, prepares us a hot meal or takes care of us when we are sick. It is a long list that cannot simply be listed in words for others… but when we do it for ourselves, perhaps taken by a moment of nostalgia; we remember everything perfectly like the bedtime stories that she told to help our sleep to be peaceful.




Mum is not a lower or higher figure than dad.
Indeed, when they work together they are like superheroes: strong and tireless.
However, she tends to be more present and between the two parties she is probably the one who most urges to give us a correct education. In fact, we tend to argue more often with her than with our father, discussing what we think is right or wrong or about how certain things should be done.
But never think that mom is bad for that.
She may be wrong sometimes, but she does it because she cares about us and only wants our good.
Sometimes you will understand her good intentions only when you realize that you have been too hard on her or that you have exaggerated in our ways.
The mother is like a bear: she may seem aggressive, but with her cubs she is always tender and protective.


Having a mother, as well as having a father; it is a great fortune.
Many will never have the opportunity to be infused with their love because they are unfortunate from not having been able to know them, from not having understood how much effort they have made for them or because they have not realized the value of being parents.
The figure of the mother cannot be replaced.
It can only be one. Or two, if the opportunity desires it. In reality, the number does not count, but the affection it shows.
No one has the right to take her away from us or hurt her, to criticize her efforts or say she can't do anything. She is a person with great courage and skill, who knows how to do many things and is not afraid of new challenges.

Mom is a special person.
And on her day she must be celebrated so that we do not forget what she is capable of do.


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