It is always a sad and even strange event when a celebrity from movies, television or any other branch of entertainment passes away.
Sad because, of course; no one likes to hear of a person's demise.
Weird because you can't believe it's real.
Since I began to have more awareness of the world of entertainment and its people, hearing news of people, whose artistic skills i respect, passing away from an illness or an accident is always a big blow to the heart. In recent years, too many famous stars have gone away, leaving us a sky that is a little too dark.
We are talking about men and women who have left a deep imprint in their field thanks to their incredible talents, which are difficult to match. In fact, with regard to the younger generation, it is rare to hear a critic compare the abilities of a rising celebrity to those of a veteran who made history. Just to give a small example, at the beginning of his career I had heard that the singer Mika had been compared to the famous Freddie Mercury for his singing skills.
I don't know how correct this comparison can be (as a Queen fan), but it sure is a great compliment.
Every now and then I wonder what that person is doing, before realizing that this person is gone. And then I get a little sad, feeling a certain melancholy. Or, I am amazed that so many years have already passed since the sad announcement was made.
Just the other day they reminded on television the second anniversary of Gigi Proietti, a great Italian actor. I widened my eyes feeling that two years had already passed since his death, while I was convinced that only one had passed.
When instead; I happen to watch tributes or celebrations of such characters, tears escape me easily and a lump in my throat forms immediately at the first hint of sad music. I think I cried like this when Robin Williams passed away, I couldn't read or see anything because I was immediately saddened.
It's funny how you can get attached to someone you've never met in person.
It will be the good looks, the energy transmitted during the performances, the ability to relate to their fans… it's hard to say. Whatever the reason, they will be missed by many people, regardless of whether they were mentors, sources of inspiration, or simple comfort.
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